J2EE and EJB
Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE) and Enterprise Java Beans (EJB), the
whole world seems to speak about it !
However, its impact on IT in Chemical and Pharma IT applications is still
limited. Many pharmaceutical companies already use J2EE application servers
such as Bea WebLogic or the Oracle Application Server, but the amount of
developed EJB's is still limited. Therefore, the number of real J2EE
implementations is not very high yet.
In e-business, J2EE is the defacto standard, as many EJB's are
commercially available and therefore, e-business applications can be
developed, or better said, assembled from acquired or developed EJB's.
In pharma applications, J2EE certainly has a future in applications where
a lot of "transactions" take place, such e.g. as in LIMS systems (now still
very conservative) and in logistic systems.
Computer Chemistry Consultancy, August 2002